// Lead Talker
BJ aka Animal Trainer aka ZooGang aka Krank Train conductor, is the Lead mic /vocalist
with 20 + years in GoGo.
MAB2.0 was started in Seat Pleasnt Md. BJ was the manger then and the original band name was child’s play. In the 90’s, the idea was to basically just entertain the neighborhood but then it became bigger. “I actually never been to gogo until I started MAB. I used to study GoGo but never joined until I had my own band. The style of MAB is heavy 808 and percussion, driven with some vocals. The sound of MAB is often imitated but never duplicated.
When asked how he wants to be remembered in GoGo, he replied; I want to be remembered as the guy who beat the odds when everyone said I couldn’t…. I did ….BAMZILLA4Eva. Krank don’t stop ppl do !💪🏿

// Singer
Justice Jay is the First Lady, Female vocalist for MAB. She has been in GoGo for about 16 years and counting. Justice fell in love with GoGo as a child when she heard JYB being played from her brother’s stereo. At that point she didn’t even know there were female singers in GoGo but she knew she had to be apart of it. Justice joined MAB in 2012 after trying to find her sound with other bands but couldn’t quite call any other band “Home”, until, MAB. MAB became her forever home after being allowed to have creative freedom and being shown that there’s more to GoGo than just singing and putting on a show.
When asked how she wants to be remembered in GoGo, she replied; I wanna be remembered for pouring my heart out on the stage and bringing an unforgettable sound and energy to GoGo!

// Rapper
WB is the Rapper for MAB. He has been in GoGo since 2006 and apart of MAB since 2023. WB fell in love with GoGo listening to it during his middle school years, with music being a true love of his he ventured into GoGo to merge his two loves of music genres. When asked "How do you want to be remembered in GoGo he replied: To be apart of the music history in the city of DC.

PARKIN LOT E, Is the percussionist for MAB.
He was introduced to the band through LB and loved the different sound that the band brought to Go-Go. He wanted to add to the sound in some way and found his sound by playing the blocks and cowbell. Parkin Lot was raised in Go-Go and the sound of Go-Go gave him the feeling of flying high like a bird in the sky. When asked how he wants to be remembered in Go-Go, he replied; I want to be remembered as the only one who does what he does and Kranks like he Kranks!

Mista aka Sample king//
Mista plays the Keyboards in MAB and returned to MAB in July 2023 but was in the band for many years prior while playing with Bamzilla. He was born into Go-Go through other family members. When asked, how he wants to be remembered in Go-Go, he replied; "As one of the Greats!"

// Percussionist
Congo E is major part of the backline as our percussionist. He has been in GoGo for 28years and counting. Congo E fell in love with GoGo after his mom took he and his siblings to GoGo Live in 1987 at the Capitol Center. "I was hooked ever since, I remember it like it was yesterday. RE, JYB and more but GoGo Mickey made me wanna play percussion, then Smoke and Wink sealed the deal for me. Congo E joined MAB in 2010 as a back up and fully joined the band as the main percussionist in 2011 when Chinks stepped down and stayed because liked the way the band sounded.
When asked how he wants to be remembered in GoGo, he replied; " I wanna be remembered for my passion, dedication and love for my craft. I want to create a lifetime of timeless music to add to the culture of GoGo that you can play 25plus years from now.

Gutta is the Guitar player for MAB and has been in Go-Go for about 4 years and counting. He fell in love with the creativity of Go-Go in 2006 when he moved from NC to VA. Hearing the arrangements of songs from bands like New Impressionz & Backyard Band made him decide to be a part of the culture. Gutta joined MAB because of the good vibes and opportunity to play more and expand as a guitar player in Go-Go and a proud member. Giving that his name is Gutta, he fits right in with the style and usage of 808 of MAB.
When asked how he wants to be remembered in Go-Go, he replied; "as a person that keeps it real no matter what and I let my playing speak for itself."

Joel aka Smokin Joe//
Smokin Joe is the drummer for MAB and first joined MAB in 2012. "I liked the band as they had a diverse sound, good energy and positive people." Joel first fell in love with Go-Gonas a kid while playing drums at his father's church in NE, DC. When asked how he wants to be remembered in Go-Go, he replied; " as an individual who gave their passion through their performance. Combined a sound of some of my favorites with my ideas, and I gave my all on stages!"

// Bass Guitar
Funky Al is the Bassist for MAB and has been in GoGo for about 25 years now.
Not from the DMV originally, Al moved to MD from Boston when he was 10 so he didn't grow up with it like almost everyone else. . Being young and just wanting to play all the time he accepted the invite and played. It was very different from any band he played with previously. The energy and feel of the music was hype yet structured.
When asked how he wants to be remembered in GoGo, he replied; I'd like to be remembered as someone who always tried to give everyone who came to see any group I was playing with, the best show possible.
Uncle Butchie //
Manager / Promoter/ Booking Agent
Butchie first joined Go-Go in 1985 when his dad took him to a to a block party to see a band, and he's been hook ever since. Uncle Butchie join MAB in Feb 2023, after he and BJ had a conversation about taking this band to the next level. When asked how he wants to be remembered in GoGo, he replied; "The man who change the game with GoGo music worldwide."